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Home Story Do's and Don'ts of Vaping After Tooth Extraction
Story Jul 17, 2024

Do's and Don'ts of Vaping After Tooth Extraction

As a vaper, you've just had a tooth extraction, and now you're wondering whether or not you can still vape.


Tooth extraction is a standard dental procedure that involves removing a damaged or decayed tooth from its socket in the jawbone. After a tooth extraction, patients are usually advised to avoid certain activities that could impede healing and cause complications, such as smoking.


Research data shows that smoking may delay wound healing and increase the risk of infection after dental procedures like extractions. As an alternative to smoking, many people have turned to vaping with the belief that it is better than smoking.


Can you vape after tooth extraction? This blog will explore this question. Whether you're a seasoned vaper or new to the game, knowing how to care for your mouth post-extraction properly is essential.


Can You Vape After Tooth Extraction


After undergoing a tooth extraction, it is vital to give your mouth time to heal correctly. This means avoiding activities or substances that could hinder the healing process. Vaping involves inhaling and exhaling vapor from an electronic cigarette or similar device. It has become increasingly popular as an alternative to smoking. However, vaping after tooth extraction poses potential risks that can hinder the healing process and compromise oral.


Increased Risk of Dry Socket


From a medical perspective, a dry socket is painful when the blood clot dislodges prematurely. So, can vaping cause a dry socket after tooth extraction? 


Firstly, vaping involves the act of inhaling and exhaling vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. The suction created during vaping can dislodge the blood clot. If the blood clot is dislodged, it exposes the underlying bone and nerves to air, food particles, and bacteria, leading to intense pain and delayed healing.


Additionally, nicotine may delay wound healing. It constricts blood vessels, reduces blood flow to the affected area, and hinders healing. This means that nicotine will disrupt the formation and stability of the blood clot essential for healing, increasing the risk of developing a dry socket.


Affect Healing Process


Vaping introduces heat into your mouth, which can be harmful during healing. The high temperatures from vaping can cause irritation and damage to the delicate tissues in your mouth that are trying to heal after an extraction. This can result in prolonged pain and discomfort.


Potential for Infection


The heat and chemicals from vaping can cause irritation and inflammation of the gums and surrounding tissues.


Furthermore, some vape juices contain propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, which are known to cause mouth dryness. Without enough saliva production, bacteria can thrive and increase the chances of infection.


Finally, vaping may introduce bacteria or other contaminants into the extraction site, increasing the risk of infection.


Here are the don'ts of vaping after tooth extraction:


  1. Don't vape immediately after surgery.
  2. Don't use high nicotine levels.
  3. Don't expose your wound to smoke.
  4. Don't blow vape smoke over your extraction.
  5. Don't ignore any signs of infection: If you notice any signs, stop vaping immediately and consult your dentist.
  6. Don't neglect oral hygiene.


Considering all these factors, vaping should be avoided immediately after a tooth extraction. It can delay the healing process, increase the risk of infection, and cause unnecessary pain and discomfort. Always consult your dentist or oral surgeon before engaging in any activities that could interfere with your recovery process.


Reasons Some Dentists May Allow Vaping After Extractions


While dentists are generally recommended to avoid any form of smoking or vaping for at least 48 hours after the procedure, certain factors may make it okay for specific individuals. Here are a few reasons why a dentist might consider allowing vaping after extractions:


Case-by-case Evaluation


It is crucial to note that every individual's recovery process may vary, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, dentists assess each patient's unique situation, including the complexity of the extraction, the patient's overall oral, and ability to follow post-extraction care instructions.


If the extraction site is healing well and there are no risk factors for complications, a dentist may consider allowing vaping after careful evaluation.


Not Direct Contact with the Extraction


One of the main reasons why some dentists may allow vaping post-extraction is because it does not involve direct contact with the extraction site. The unique working theory of vaping makes it a better alternative to smoking when it comes to wound healing and reducing potential complications.


Relieve Psychological


Some dental professionals believe that allowing patients to vape post-extraction can also have psychological benefits. Inhaling vapor through a device can provide a sense of relaxation and comfort, which can be especially helpful during the initial stages of recovery when pain and discomfort are at their peak.


It is important to note that despite these reasons, it is still imperative for patients who continue vaping after extraction to exercise caution and follow proper oral hygiene practices such as rinsing with salt water and avoiding hot or carbonated drinks.


How to Correctly Vape After Tooth Extraction


Proper oral care and avoiding activities that could hinder healing are essential after tooth extraction. Vaping, while generally considered better than smoking traditional cigarettes, can still pose risks if done incorrectly. 


  1. Consult with your dentist.
  2. Use a nicotine-free e-liquid.
  3. Wait at least 48 hours before vaping.
  4. Practice good oral hygiene. Brush and floss carefully before and after each vape session to remove any food particles or bacteria.
  5. Choose a low-suction vaping device.
  6. Pay attention to any changes in sensation
  7. Stay hydrated
  8. About the vape flavor, it is best to steer clear of solid menthol or citrus flavors as they may sting or irritate the sensitive area around the extraction site.
  9. Listen to your body. If you experience any sharp or shooting pains around the extraction site, stop vaping immediately and consult with your dentist.


The do's of vaping after tooth extraction involve being patient and gentle with your mouth. By following these guidelines, you can minimize any potential risks and promote a speedy recovery.


How Long to Wait to Vape after Tooth Extraction


After tooth extraction, you must take certain precautions and wait for the appropriate amount of time before resuming this activity. This section will discuss how long you should wait to vape after a tooth extraction.


It is advisable to avoid vaping altogether for the first 48 to 72 hours after tooth extraction. This initial period allows for blood clot formation and the beginning stages of healing. Proper wound healing reduces the risk of complications such as dry socket or infection.


In addition, during the first 24-48 hours after a tooth extraction, there may be residual anesthesia or pain medication in your system that can impair judgment and coordination while using a vape device. Vaping could lead to accidental injury or damage to the surgical site.


It's worth noting that every individual's healing process varies, and some may require more time than others before feeling comfortable enough to resume vaping. The dentist will inform you about when it is safe to resume vaping based on the complexity of the extraction, your healing progress, and any other factors relevant to your oral health. It is commonly from a few days to a couple of weeks before you can vape again.




Following the do's and don'ts of vaping after a tooth extraction is crucial for proper healing and avoiding any complications. Remember to wait until your extraction site has fully healed before resuming vaping, and when you do start again, take precautions to prevent dry socket by using lower temperatures and avoiding suction.


By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth recovery process without compromising your enjoyment of vaping. Always consult your dentist if you have any concerns or questions about your situation.